Friday, April 29, 2011

Life the Past Month

It's amazing how fast time goes by, especially now that I am old enough to actually enjoy it. This past month in general seemed to fly. Work and school and work and school, and some time for my sweet fiancĂ©e and puppy. But now I feel like I'm at a standstill. I keep my head up and I've somewhat done the math and by the time that I am twenty seven I should have completed my Masters and that is what I am going for, considering for psychology you cant stop at a Bachelors. I just need to remain positive that everything will work out for the best and it will. My main flaw is that I have a problem staying positive. I have always been a half empty sort of person and I am really trying to change that around because going around and viewing the world in such a negative manner does nothing for me. It just makes a person feel worse. So from now on I am promising to myself that I will be more positive and faithful.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Beginning

For the past several weeks I have had an inkling to start writing about my everyday life or shall I say the things I encounter. I am not going to pretend to be a world class journalist or a writing phenomenon because I am not. I am just someone who feels the need to express myself in some way and this might be the way to do it. So enjoy =)